Thursday, October 31, 2019

Default Risk Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Default Risk Management - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that businesses are able to reduce different threats that they face from external environment by identifying the risks they face and then taking steps to mitigate them. One of the major risks faced by financial institutions is the default risk. Default risk is the risk that the firm faces when it is not able to meet the financial obligations when they are due. Default risk is also named as credit risk as the firm does not have the ability to pay off its creditors. However in case of a financial institution like banks, the scenario may be complex, as these banks give loans to different creditors which, in turn, can face default, and this could affect the liquidity position of the banks as they do not have funds according to what they expected and thus can increase the default risk of banks. This essay declares that market risk is the other type of risk faced by the firm, and it is because of fluctuations and conditions in the market. Market risk could be because of fluctuations in currencies, exchange rates, interest rates, volatility in other markets, etc. that could influence the future cash flows of the firm. It is important for the financial institutions to analyse different market trends and the risks that could arise because of changes in the market and then take actions or steps to minimise the impact of these types of risks accordingly. There are some risks, such as chances in the exchange rate, that cannot be eliminated.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Cuases, Effects, and Prevention of Homophobia in America Essay Example for Free

The Cuases, Effects, and Prevention of Homophobia in America Essay Homophobia is an immense issue in todays society, but especially in America. The completely irrational prejudices against the community of this country is on the rise. This is due to a number of causes of which we as the American people have the ability to change. We must closely exam the causes and the effects of homophobia in America to completely understand why and where this is still occurring in modern day society and how it may be further prevented. Homosexuality has existed as long as humanity itself, and with homosexuality always seems homophobia, or the completely extreme and irrational fear or aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people, is sure to exist. This prejudice against homosexuals has been in one way or another shown to exist in almost every culture and society, although some cultures have come to coexist with the gay community in harmony, others how ever still have much work to do in the stride for equal rights and lack of discrimination for the gay population in their countries. Of these countries most are found in the Middle Eastern regions, in places like Africa, Egypt, and Iran homosexuality is a felony, and in many cases will have one either imprisoned or killed. It is in a way expected that these countries would oppose homosexuality so strongly, due to their strong Islamic traditions. But a country that it would not seem irrational to think would be more open to the gay population is the United States of America, but this is not true. Homosexuals might not be stoned to death in the streets of America, but they also don’t have the options of freedom and rights those in Europe have either. According to statistics, nearly half of America still has a strong opposition or hatred toward this community, as a country America needs to realize how absurd this completely irrational prejudice is and how much of a waste of it really is. As a country we should fight to stop homophobia in its tracks. Homophobia has really existed, but when did it really start occurring in the U. S.? The term homophobia was coined in 1967 by Wainwright Churchill in his study on the habits and lifestyles of gay men in America. Ever since then, it seems the term has stuck, even if it is used in the wrong context. The term left the scene of American society for around 20 years or so, but resurfaced much, much stronger with the global AIDS pandemic in the 1980s, gays across the globe were targets of severe and irrational beliefs that AIDS was a â€Å"gay mans disease†. Such beliefs of course are highly illogical, but that does not stop them from spreading like the disease its’ self. This stereotype can still be seen in todays supposidly more liberal modern society. Such stereotypes fuel the continued occurrence of homophobia, especially in the U. S. , which in return keeps the continues cycle of hate and prejudice going. The issues that stem from homophobia are numerous and far and in-between, but many are huge and obvious issues that America as a whole could change if its’ people really wanted to. Of the many prejudices against the gay population, it stands no more obvious anywhere else than in equal rights, rights that all Americans deserve. The discrimination of housing, employment, and equal marriage rights, all must be stopped. America is singling out a â€Å"minority† with in it’s borders, and that is wrong, the â€Å"land of the free† is showing a severe hypocritical, and bigoted side that no one should ever see occur. What is really the core cause of all the negative energy toward Americas gay community? Of the many things that cause homophobia in America, government would not be expected, but it is true to say that government is where most of the negative energy toward the gay community stems from. The American government is supposed to support it’s people as a whole, in an equal unbiased manner. If this is true, why is the government putting such restrictions like the ban on same-sex marriage on the gay community? This is a direct contradiction to the qualities America is built on, this isnt freedom for all of its’ people, it is freedom for those who are stereotypically perceived as â€Å"normal† by a bigoted, ignorant society that is intolerant of difference. America’s government is tainted with people thinking in this mindset, especially among the republican party. Politicians are openly allowed to â€Å"smear† the gay community with their extremely bigoted comments, and have recently succeeded in allowing others to freely do so also. In the state of Michigan, republicans have managed to pass bill 137, a bill that promotes bullying. One has to think twice to really absorb that the state has actually done such an absurd thing. In this bill it is now okay to freely and openly express ones feelings towards another, harass, bully, what ever it is they want, as long as they can support their claims with a moral or religious view. This is of course a horrendous and stupid idea. After the bill was successfully passed, Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer (D-East Lansing), took to the floor of the Senate to voice her outrage at the amended language and the danger of the exemptions: â€Å"Here oday you claim to be protecting kids and youre actually putting them in more danger. But bullying is not OK. We should be protecting public policy that protects kids,? all kids, from bullies,? all bullies. But instead you have set us back further by creating a blueprint for bullying. Shockingly, Senate Bill 137 will do more harm than good. Senate Republicans left our students behind in favor of partisan politics and passed a bill that actually allows more bullying. Students and parents expect lawmakers to lead the charge against bullying, but instead Republicans made ideology more important than school safety. Research clearly shows that only states with enumerated bills see a reduction in bullying. We need a bill that mentions the most affected populations and requires statewide reporting of bullying and harassment. Senate Bill 137 simply does nothing to reduce bullying in our schools. † â€Å"But the saddest and sickest irony of all, is that the bill was named â€Å"Matt’s Safe School Law,† after Matt Epling, a 14-year-old East Lansing student who committed suicide in 2002 after being repeatedly bullied in school†. As Senator Whitmer has made clear, this unrelentless bullying must be put to a stop, not promoted like it currently is in American government and society. Government and it’s views are corrupt, so corrupt that it will not function as it should in the goal of protecting it’s citizens and their well deserved rights. It is known government spreads the ideas of homophobia, but where is the homophobia in American government stemming from? The answer lies within the religious institution that runs most of America, the religion it was founded on, Christianity. Christianity is the largest practiced religion in the world, with such a hopeful message of salvation and a forgiving and loving God it is no surprise this is true. Their teachings have a message that â€Å"God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son and those who believes in him and that those who accept him as their one and only savior shall have everlasting life† (John 3:16). With such message of love and equality toward all of humanity, why is it that this religion that is supposed to spread this message of love and hope, actually in some areas spreading the hatred of some and especially the promotion of homophobia? The reason is there are many bigoted, hypocritical, and of all things homophobic pastors that tell sermons spewing with bigotry, manipulated to convey the thoughts of negativity towards the gay community in America. It seems the congregations that hear these so called â€Å"sermons† are nieve beyond recognition. Why is it that the general public has lost all of its common sense listening to seemingly false sermons preeching the hatred and intolerance of a minority? Of the few verses that mention homosexuality in the holy bible, one is more than any other, that verse is Leviticus 20:13. â€Å"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads†. This verse is said to directly quote homosexuality as a sin, but this is not so. In the verse listed above it is talking about the Canaanites laws, not God’s, it is prosecuting the Canaanites sexual cult rituals involving male prostitutes, not gay men in commited relationships. The severe unwillingness to let one think for themselves has allowed this verse to be repeatedly misinterpreted to the point where it is thought to be the absolute truth. Thus encouraging the U. S. Media and society to, in it’s thoughts, rightly denounce or discriminate against the gay population. Since media is a strong driving force of information and individual opinions in the U. S. , especially to many nieve people, it in not unrealistic to think that media is of a big influence on homophobia in America. All this talk about the causes of homophobia is sure to have one wondering how it effects the actual gay individual or gay community. Ask any gay person and they will more than likely say that homophobia has been or is a serious and hurtful problem, but just how does it really affect them? Homophobia has many, many negative affects on gays, many of which they have no control of what so ever. Among these many affects, the one that is seen to occur the most is the strongly held negative attitudes that the American public has on their lives. Gay people are discriminated against everyday in the U. S. , and sometimes even almost every day of their lives. They are verbal harassed in the workplace, at school, or even out in public in general. Severe prejudice against the homosexual orientation is seen to be extremely common and more hostile around highschool students and young adults, these young gay people must combat and suffer what their peers say to them on a daily basis, whether said to their face or not, it still has severe psychological effects on a person. â€Å"Prejudice and discrimination have social and personal impact. On an individual level, such prejudice and discrimination may also have negative consequences, especially if gay people attempt to conceal or deny their sexual orientation. Although many gay people learn to cope with the social stigma against homosexuality, this pattern of prejudice can have serious negative effects on health and well-being. This treatment to which gays are subjected to has significant mental health concerns. This also amounts to a great amount of stress, although social support is crucial in coping with stress, antigay attitudes and discrimination may make it difficult for gay people to find such support. (American Psychological Association 2) As it was said above, being gay adds a considerable amount of stress to ones life, sterotype upon stereotype upon stereotype are thrown at them, and they have to attempt to cope with it and get on with life. Although this may work for some, for others the stress leads to other serious problems, problems such as constant or severe depression, suicidal thoughts, and even more stress. Feeling suicidal is never a good situation, and it is shown to be four times as likely that gay people, specifically men, attempt to kill themselves or actually do kill themselves. Recently there has been a tremendous jump in the amount of suicides of gay people, all where high school or college age, and where harassed about their sexual orientation until it was unbearable. This shows that the pressures on gays is increasing steadily and is becoming more consistant in it’s effects it has on the individual. Among the many people in the American gay population many are subjected to violent accounts of homphobia that usually has them physically assaulted. These horrific events are aptly named â€Å"gay bashings†. One would like to say that this does not happen much in America as much as people say it does, one also cannot deny or ignore their occurrences either. The victims of these viscious attacks are almost always very badly injured and usually in the hospital for quite some time, many do not even make it to the hospital. Often times after these attacks are over and the suspects have been apprehended, they are hit with a lighter sentence than they actually deserve. Instead of being charged with a hate crime, they often get of easy with counts of assault. This is a major let down of our governments purpose, our government really drops the ball here. The reason we have government is to defend America’s citizens, and that is not happening when â€Å"gay bashers† are let of the hook that easily. This, in many cases can be seen as a hate crime due the recurring fashion of the attacks and in the sense that these people being attacked are targeted directly due to their sexual orientation. Things like this must be further and more thoroughly prevented in America, no gay person should be afraid of being assaulted whenever they go out into public, this must come to an end. As a nation America needs to stop pretending it is not a problem and open it’s eyes and realized what it is letting happen way too often. American society and culture needs to learn to that not every body is the same and needs to learn to be tolerant of differences. One way people could be aware and start prevention of all these many issues discussed is gay people should learn that even though society disaproves, that there is nothing wrong with who they are, they are born that way and cant change so have to learn to live with it. Heterosexual people who wish to stop homophobia in it’s tracks need to examine their response to antigay stereotypes and prejudice, they can make a point of coming to know gay people and realizing that they are human too. They should go hand in hand with the gay community against the fight of homophobia in America, heterosexuals are often in a good position to point out to other heterosexual people how irrational their homophobia can be. Studies of prejudice, including prejudice against gay people, consistently shows that prejudice declines when members of the majority group interact with members of a minority group interact wiht members of a minority group. In keeping wiht this general pattern, one of the most powerful influences on heterosexuals’ acceptances of gay people is having personal contact with an openly gay person. Antigay attitudes are far less common amoung members of the population who have a close family member or friend who is gay, especially if the gay person has been directly open about their sexual orientation toward the heterosexual person. These are of the many examples of how Americans CAN change their view on homosexuality. The causes of homophobia through the church, government, and media are known, and the effects these things have on the gay community can be seen. It is not until The United States of America realizes that these all have underlying problems and are a part of the bigger picture, can homophobia be further and better prevented in America.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Proliferation Of Mass Media

The Proliferation Of Mass Media 1. The proliferation of mass media television, radio, internet and print media with its reach across vast swaths of the globe has made it a strategic imperative for countries today to proactively manage their image and perceptions if they are to become a Soft power. Forming, communicating and managing Indias appealing attributes in an era of 24/7 news becomes increasingly important to how we are perceived by other nations and peoples. A corollary to communicating our attributes is that we need to contemplate and define the attributes that best define us as a nation.  [i]   2. India is fortunate enough to be endowed with a rich Soft Power. The foundation of Indias Soft Power is its pluralism, tolerance, secularism, unparallel cultural heritage of music, dance-drama, yoga, Ayurveda and a tradition of absolute thinking. This tradition of abstract thinking has given an unrivalled edge in the contemporary world. It is this tradition of abstract thinking which has put India in the centre-stage of Information Technology. A long tradition of learning enabled India to master modern Western Science Technology. IITs and IIMs and other Institutes become the primary vehicles of keeping abreast with the western Science and Technology. The appeal of its democratic system and growing economic success make it an exciting counterpart to more authoritarian China and a far more affluent United States. 3. What India can achieve can be guestimated from the following figures:  [ii]   (a) 38% of doctors in America are Indians. (b) 12% of Scientists in USA are Indians. (c) 36% of NASA employees are Indians. (d) 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians. (e) 28% of IBM employees are Indians. (f) 17% of Intel employees are Indian. (g) 13% of Xerox employees are Indians. (h) 23% of Indian Community in the USA is having green Card. (J) In Silicon Valley, one third of the engineers are of Indian descent and 70% of high-tech firms are led by Indian CEOs. 4. This is what Indians can achieve in the most developed country of the developed world USA. So, is India in a position to get due recognition by other nations of the world? Its economy is growing at a stupendous rate of over eight percent. India now is a nuclear power, having the fourth largest military, and supports over 17.5 percent of the worlds population. Its foreign exchange is a whooping 313 billion dollars and growing. Indians dominate the list of top 10 billionaires, with four Indians on the list. Does this prove the grandeur of India? So, now can it have a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council, and be allowed to join the elite power group? Can it now be placed above the Third World status, and be known to the world as a developed country? India has not adequately utilized its Soft Power resources at home and through the Indian Diaspora. India should realize where its strengths lie if it wants to resurrect its image. In Shashi Tharoors words, India must de termine where its strengths lie as it seeks to make the twenty-first century its own.  [iii]   5. So where does India stand in terms of Soft power potential? Today, we find ourselves often being referred to as a potential power in spite of nearly half a decade of record economic growth. To be acknowledged as a global power India needs to unlock its vast potential to be a Soft power. We are uniquely positioned to tap into the characteristics an ancient culture, expanding economy, vibrant democracy, spirituality, diversity, and a widespread Diaspora which provide India with core attributes that are attractive to the World. Examples of success abound, Bollywood today reaches an audience twice as large as that of Hollywood; our Information Technology industry competes globally; Yoga has become mainstream in the west, and even the IITs and IIMs have become synonymous with world class education. Indias philanthropic efforts in the reconstruction of Afghanistan and more recently the aid offered to countries affected by the tsunami underscores our concern for the world around us. Fo r India to truly become a tour de force in the community of nations, it needs to look at its weaknesses and turn them into our biggest opportunity by offering the world a new vision, a vision that would have to be rooted in our own success.  [iv]   Spirituality 6. Topping the list of Indian soft power is its spirituality. Spiritualism is the ultimate thirst-quencher of the human soul; it is the only solace provider, the bliss, the only universal solution to human problems. It is that way of life which leads to completeness. It is this India that has nurtured and allowed spiritualism to thrive and flourish, to see a man or woman becoming a complete human being. India (also called the blessed land of gods) has given birth to major religions of the world-Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Christianity reached India before it reached Rome or Europe. Islam, too, is in full bloom. Indias culture has absorbed all these religions, with its followers living in harmony with one another. This has added to the richness of its culture, and it represents a perfect archetype of unity in diversity.  [v]   7. The values of love, peace and brotherhood are the qualities that Indians are known for, with Gautama Buddha, Mahavir, Ashoka and Mohandas K. Gandhi being prime examples. At present, the Indian diaspora seems to be winning the hearts of the world with their endearing character and peaceful qualities. Sreeram Chaulia, in his article, The Geat Indian Diaspora, mentions that, For the most part, an average American, Canadian or Dutchman does not see Indian immigrants as national security or economic threats, thanks to their humble, flexible and endearing qualities.  [vi]   Cultural Diplomacy 8. India is acutely aware of the importance of soft power and cultural attractivity, and needs to do little to render its culture appealing to the rest of the world. The process is natural, almost organic. This is consistent with Indias long history as both a birthplace of ideas, and of peaceful cultural diffusion. The peaceful propagation of Buddhism is a multi-millennia old bond that India shares with the rest of the Asian continent that acts as a testament to the power of its civilizational pull.  [vii]   9. While India may still have miles to go in its quest to be a global political power, the world is already embracing it as a cultural superpower. From Bollywood films and food to authors like Kiran Desai conquering the Booker Street, brand India has seen transformation of sorts. No wonder, cultural diplomacy has evolved into a significant track II. Brand India is now flexing its muscles as a soft power, which is essentially the international influence a nation acquires when others are drawn to its culture and ideas. While the term may have become clichà ©d, it is being taken seriously by the South Block given the huge potential and gains that it may accrue. Earlier cultural diplomacy was considered peripheral, now the message is clear: Soft Power is important and the idea behind the festival is to project India as a plural multicultural society and to achieve the goals of political diplomacy, says Dr Karan Singh, president, Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).  [viii]   10. While cultural diplomacy may not always provide solutions, it can help narrow differences. For instance, troubled relations with a country like Pakistan can be improved by cultural diplomacy, which India is currently engaged in. Besides strategic gains, it will supplement Indias economic relations with countries like China and can boost tourism, where India has fared below its potential. Political Diplomacy 11. Indias ambitions to be treated like a global leader of world governance at this juncture can be realised, as it is being respected as a global emerging economy and the largest democracy in the world. It is being seen as part of the new economic wall of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), and an emerging southern voice called IBSA (India, Brazil, South Africa). Many developing countries in the world are looking towards India to provide them with support (technical, professional, material) in their trajectories of development. This preference is more readily reflected in their deep appreciation of indigenous models and practices of development and progress that India is credited to have evolved so successfully. 12. The challenge before the Indian government, its political leadership and its people today is to practically demonstrate ways in which its soft power could be made accessible to many of these developing countries around the world. Indias soft power is enormous, and official leadership can acknowledge and mobilise it to make India a truly global leader.  [ix]   13. India has also increasingly sought to expand its activities as a donor, both to reposition itself as an emerging power and to use aid as an instrument for engaging with other developing countries.  [x]   Bollywood 14. When it comes to defining Indias more modern soft power Bollywood is often cited, and with reason, as a prime example. The glittering, flamboyant films churned out by Mumbais gargantuan film industry have long been popular in certain regions of the world such as the Middle East ,Central Asia, South East Asia, North Africa, South Africa and throughout South Asia and the United States. 15. Over the past decade, however, Bollywood has been making inroads elsewhere. One of the most popular current viral videos in India shows a man in the depths of Tajikistan passionately humming and singing a Bollywood theme song to his bemused Indian visitors-all in perfectly memorized Hindi. In certain African countries, such as Senegal and Mali, villagers often trek out miles to the closest projection room just to be able to watch one of the latest Bollywood films. Little does it matter that they do not understand the dialogue or that it is set in a distant land; the themes of love, family and marriage they evoke are universal, and the sparkling opulence of the dances, costumes and songs have the gift of enchanting the minds of moviegoers far less jaded than those in the West.  [xi]   Many Asian and South Asian countries increasingly came to find Indian cinema as more suited to their sensibilities than Western cinema. Jigna Desai holds that by the 21st century Indian cinema ha d managed to become deterritorialized, spreading over to the many parts of the world where Indian diaspora was present in significant numbers, and becoming an alternative to other international cinema. 16. Indian cinema has more recently begun influencing Western musical films, and played a particularly instrumental role in the revival of the genre in the Western world. Baz Luhrmann stated that his successful musical film Moulin Rouge (2001) was directly inspired by Bollywood musicals. Danny Boyles Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire (2008) was also directly inspired by Indian films, and is considered to be homage to Hindi commercial cinema. Films by progressive female Indian directors such as Mira Nair and Deepa Mehta have revealed that Indian films are more than escapist fantasies, and can be simultaneously contemplative and entertaining. 17. India is the worlds largest producer of films. In 2009, India produced a total of 2961 films on celluloid that include a staggering figure of 1288 feature films. The provision of 100% foreign direct investment has made the Indian film market attractive for foreign enterprises such as 20th Century Fox, Sony Pictures, and Warner Bros. Tax incentives to multiplexes have aided the multiplex boom in India. By 2003 as many as 30 film production companies had been listed in the National Stock Exchange of India, making the commercial presence of the medium felt. 18. The Indian Diaspora consists of millions of Indians overseas for which films are made available both through mediums such as DVDs and by screening of films in their country of residence wherever commercially feasible. These earnings, accounting for some 12% of the revenue generated by a mainstream film, contribute substantially to the overall revenue of Indian cinema, the net worth of which was found to be US$1.3 billion in 2000. Music in Indian cinema is another substantial revenue generator, with the music rights alone accounting for 4-5% of the net revenues generated by a film in India. 19. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has envisioned a whole new role for Bollywood, noting Indias soft power, especially the film industry, can be put to use as an important instrument of foreign policy. The Indian Prime minister says: The soft power of India in some ways can be a very important instrument of foreign policy. Cultural relations, Indias film industry, Bollywood I find wherever I go in the Middle East, in Africa, people talk about Indian films.  [xii]   TV Programming 20. Bruce Springsteen released a song some time back 57 channels and nothing on! 57 seemed like a good number then and India had 6 channels. Today the Indian TV industry supports more than 600 channels and there are 400 more channels in the offing awaiting governmental clearances. Indian TV studios churn out news in more than 10 languages, with an entertainment library which is now more than 10,00,000 hours of programming. India is global leader by a vast stretch. Europe by comparison is a toddler and the only other comparison with India is USA.  [xiii]   21. When the Indian TV soap opera Kynunki Saas Bhi was dubbed in Dari and aired on Afghanistans Tolo TV it was such an astounding success that it became a national obsession. 90% of television-owning Afghan families would follow the show, sometimes incurring the wrath of mullahs who viewed it as being responsible for the desertion of mosques during evening prayers.  [xiv]   The Worlds Largest Music Industry 22. India releases more music, in more languages, than any other country in the world. We have, of course, the worlds oldest living tradition in music. Compared to Indias music tradition of 3000+ years (at least), Western Music is about 400-500 years old. Most are aware of modern music but the scene in classical music is still very vibrant. Bhajans from Mirabais, Tulsidas, Surdas of 500 years ago, continue to sell in volumes and are in demand. Thyagarajas and Dikshitaars compositions in Telugu, 300 years old are still mainstream music. Compare this to the Western classical music, itself originating from the Romany Gypsy music. Western classical music has become a fringe music tradition, while Indias Bhakti geet is alive and vibrant.  [xv]   University Higher Education. 23. One of the ways in which Indias soft power in education can be significantly enhanced is by becoming a global hub for higher education. The US and the UK realized the importance of this and opened its doors to foreign students in the 20th century. India has some natural advantages to attract students in terms of low annual tuition fees (less than $ 10,000 per year), low cost of living and most of the universities teaching in English capable of handling English speaking students. India can attract many students from emerging economies in Africa and Asia. India has the potential to become a global education hub and also rival Bollywood with education as a soft power. Knowledge Power 24. In this twenty first century, India is regarded as a knowledge-producing machine, with its doctors, engineers, scientists and software professionals being the first preference of the international community. Indian education is high quality. Barack Obama, the U.S. President, in his election campaign had promised Americans that he would improve the level of American education to such high standards so as to enable the American students to compete with the students of India and China. Also, according to R N. Vijay, Martin Luther King once said, When I go to other nations, I go to preach. When I go to India, I go to learn.  [xvi]  These examples show reverence for Indian wisdom. 25. In the US, there are Indians in almost all the good research labs. Indian doctors have made a name for themselves in many parts of the world. Many of the Indian immigrants to the US have been professionals engineers, doctors, scientists, etc. If India is able to contribute more to this growing tribe of educated professionals, it will create yet another category of soft power. Health Diplomacy 26. The Indian healthcare industry is seen to be growing at a rapid pace and is expected to become a US$280 billion industry by 2020. The Indian healthcare market was estimated at US$35 billion in 2007 and is expected to reach over US$70 billion by 2012 and US$145 billion by 2017.  [xvii]   27. India is quickly becoming a hub for medical tourists seeking quality healthcare at an affordable cost. Reduced costs, access to the latest medical technology, growing compliance to international quality standards and ease of communication all work towards Indias advantage. Foreigners in increasing numbers are now coming to India for private health care. They come from the Middle East, Africa, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, for complex paediatric cardiac surgery or liver transplants-procedures that are not done in their home countries. They also come from the United Kingdom, Europe, and North America for quick, efficient, and cheap coronary bypasses or orthopaedic procedures. A shoulder operation in the UK would cost  £10 000 ($17 460; à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬14 560) done privately or entail several months wait under the NHS. In India, the same operation can be done for  £1700 and within 10 days of a first email contact.  [xviii]   28. Traditional Indian rejuvenation methods like yoga, ayurvedic massage find favour with people in western countries and corporate hospitals and wellness centers are cashing on this. Allopathic system of medicine has reached its tether. It is no more in a position to cure the civilizational diseases of the day heart ailments, Cancer, AIDS and diseases related to digestive system. Therefore there is talk of an alternative system of medicine. Ayurveda has all the potential as an alternative system of medicine without any side-effect. 29. Yoga is an ancient practice of keeping the body healthy and non-diseased. Yoga has all the powers to heal all kinds of incurable diseases. With the emergence of Baba Ramdev, Yoga has certainly become popular and pervasive all over the world. But the unfortunate fact remains that Indian State has made the least efforts to popularize it. With the rising longevity of mankind, Yogas relevance would further increase. No amount of food and medicine can keep the body fit and fine in base age of ones life. Yoga is indispensable in late age of ones life to keep the body healthy and non-diseased. Indian Diaspora 30. The biggest instrument of our soft power is the Indian Diaspora. The Indian diaspora can play a major role in spreading the soft power of India through the immense influence that they possess in their residential countries.  [xix]  Mr. Yashwant Sinha, according to C. Raja Mohan, pointed out that, people of Indian origin are extremely important sources of support for the Indian Government in the execution of its policies through the influence and respect they command in the countries in which they live.  [xx]   31. Guyana, Mauritius, Fiji, Tobago, Trinidad, Singapore and many other countries at some point or the other have experienced the leadership of a person of Indian origin. In the developed countries too, they are leaving no stone unturned, and all this just in order to enhance the intangible standing of India. During Presidential elections in the US, the Indian community is targeted by the candidates, which is also a reflection of the clout that this community enjoys.  [xxi]   32. India once again seeks to leverage the tremendous intellectual, financial and communicative resources of its diaspora, estimated to number 25 million, widely scattered across five continents. Through their glittering academic and professional careers overseas, the diaspora opened the eyes of the West to India as a reliable destination for business process outsourcing (BPO) and for the cutting-edge phenomenon- knowledge process outsourcing (KPO). India is the proud recipient of more remittances from its Diaspora than any other country, beating China and Mexico and reigning at $21.7 billion per annum.  [xxii]  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

In the eyes of society, every great leader has flaws, but one to many can lead to failure. â€Å"I have lived long enough, both in years and in accomplishment.† In the long run, Julius Caesar was a great leader and came extremely close to success but died at the hand of his supporters. The biography â€Å"Caesar† by Adrian Goldsworthy accurately explains Caesar's life in the Mediterranean world. This work brings all aspects of Caesar's character into a single novel. Julius, born in July 100 BC, was a Roman general as well as a statesman. He played a critical role in the events which led to the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Julius was deemed to be one of the greatest military minds in history. The quote â€Å"I came, I saw, I conquered† is not only commonly know, but it accurately explains Julius' life. Caesars was born into a family of patricians, which was a ruling class in ancient Rome. Little of Caesar's childhood is recorded. His father, also of the name Gaius Julius Caesar, governed the province of Asia. His aunt, Julia, married Gaius Marius, a prominent figure in the Roman Republic and his mother Aurelia Cotta, came from a very influential family. It is said that Julius always had a fire burning in his heart to lead like his father, so after his father died in 85 BC and when he reached the age, he became what he was. Julius was an ambitious man. He came to be leader of the Roman Republic. He worked all the time to become a dictator trying to change the Roman Republic into an empire, as it was deteriorating as a Republic. This is admirable. Caesar's son, Augustus, had ended what Caesar began. An empire. Even though sources claim that over a million enemies were killed during his campaign, Julius was never ... If I was not able to find evidence of the conspiracy, then I would make sure he would understand to deploy dozens of guards to stop the assassination from ever occurring. Caesar's life was an interesting one. Not yet at age twenty, he avoided execution, he was decorated for valor in battle, and he was captured by pirates. His affairs were frequent and his magnetism allowed him to seduce many of his political opponents' wives, including the lovely Cleopatra. He was the most interesting man in the world, and the autobiography â€Å"Caesar† depicts his life in the Mediterranean world accurately. I loved reading about Caesar's life and although the book was from my perspective, boring, as a form of entertainment, I found it to be a great source for learning about Julius Caesar, as it is a biography. Though, Julius always said, â€Å"Experience is the teacher of all things†. Essay -- In the eyes of society, every great leader has flaws, but one to many can lead to failure. â€Å"I have lived long enough, both in years and in accomplishment.† In the long run, Julius Caesar was a great leader and came extremely close to success but died at the hand of his supporters. The biography â€Å"Caesar† by Adrian Goldsworthy accurately explains Caesar's life in the Mediterranean world. This work brings all aspects of Caesar's character into a single novel. Julius, born in July 100 BC, was a Roman general as well as a statesman. He played a critical role in the events which led to the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Julius was deemed to be one of the greatest military minds in history. The quote â€Å"I came, I saw, I conquered† is not only commonly know, but it accurately explains Julius' life. Caesars was born into a family of patricians, which was a ruling class in ancient Rome. Little of Caesar's childhood is recorded. His father, also of the name Gaius Julius Caesar, governed the province of Asia. His aunt, Julia, married Gaius Marius, a prominent figure in the Roman Republic and his mother Aurelia Cotta, came from a very influential family. It is said that Julius always had a fire burning in his heart to lead like his father, so after his father died in 85 BC and when he reached the age, he became what he was. Julius was an ambitious man. He came to be leader of the Roman Republic. He worked all the time to become a dictator trying to change the Roman Republic into an empire, as it was deteriorating as a Republic. This is admirable. Caesar's son, Augustus, had ended what Caesar began. An empire. Even though sources claim that over a million enemies were killed during his campaign, Julius was never ... If I was not able to find evidence of the conspiracy, then I would make sure he would understand to deploy dozens of guards to stop the assassination from ever occurring. Caesar's life was an interesting one. Not yet at age twenty, he avoided execution, he was decorated for valor in battle, and he was captured by pirates. His affairs were frequent and his magnetism allowed him to seduce many of his political opponents' wives, including the lovely Cleopatra. He was the most interesting man in the world, and the autobiography â€Å"Caesar† depicts his life in the Mediterranean world accurately. I loved reading about Caesar's life and although the book was from my perspective, boring, as a form of entertainment, I found it to be a great source for learning about Julius Caesar, as it is a biography. Though, Julius always said, â€Å"Experience is the teacher of all things†.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Domino’s marketing mix Essay

Domino’s Pizza has chosen a market follower strategy. The product positioning of Domino’s is delivery in 30mins or less pizza to every customers. At such product promise, Domino’s able to implant the top of mind in customer’s mind. The product mix has evolved to include pizza, salads, sandwiches, chicken wings and specialty desserts. Whereas, Pizza Hut has always followed â€Å"Single brand positioning† called â€Å"Pizzas†. Pizza Hut also goes with multiple product strategy as Pizza Hut not only sells pizzas, they also deals with variety of other product such as appetizers, beverages, chicken wings. Pizza Hut more emphasize on the dining experience and food quality. Pizza Hut mainly sells Pan Pizzas, Stuffed Crust Pizzas, Thin Crust Pizzas, and Twisted Crust Pizza. Papa John’s against current national and local take-and-bake companies or non take-and-bake companies. They also serve pasta and rice, pizza pocket, soups and salads. Papa John’s resources are its commissary and high quality ingredients as it is raw materials. _PRICING (MALAYSIA PRICING)_ _BRAND_ _SMALL/ REGULAR/ LARGE_ _STANDARDIZED ORDINARY PIZZA PRICE_ Domino’s Rm11.80/Rm 24.80/ Rm 34.80 Pizza Hut Rm9.80/ Rm 21.80/ Rm 30.80 Papa John’s Rm12.50/Rm 23.90/ Rm 32.50 _* Current pricing list of Pizza Company in Malaysia._ From the table we can see that Pizza hut offers the best deal of ordinary pizza out of Domino’s and Papa John’s. The price range of pizza is RM10-RM35 excluded tax and service charge. Mostly the high price attributed to the high quality of ingredients used. For example, Domino’s sourced its Pepperoni and Jalapeno needs from Australia and Spain respectively. Meanwhile Pizza Hut implementing â€Å"A high/low pricing† strategy as far as its new product are concerned where it fixes the price higher than its competitors and then gradually lowers the price below the competitor’s price. Papa John’s utilizes the point-of-sale technology in all outlets in the mean time; Papa John’s also currently follows a low cost differentiation strategy for its production policy. _PROMOTIONS (PROMOTIONS APPLICABLE IN MALAYSIA ONLY)_ In the aspect of sales promotions, there are customer’s claimed that Domino’s actually offering the best deal of the price. This is because Domino’s is having an offer which customers who order up to two regular pizzas only cost RM 30. Pizza Hut is using a marketing strategy in order to capture consumer’s philosophy by selling their personal pizza and every day $10 large pizzas offer. Papa John’s do has its promotions where customers buy any medium or large pizza will get same size of another pizza for free on Tuesday only. From the aspect of media advertising, Pizza Hut has always been named for the good advertising. Pizza Hut has widely promoted by all kinds of advertisement through television, radio, newspaper. In Malaysia, we seldom see Domino’s and Papa John’s advertisement on television but frequently heard from radio or print media. Basically all pizza company does direct marketing like they selling pizza through internet and nu mber. _PLACE_ Since Domino’s is not a dine-in restaurant so Domino’s does not offer dine-in as a method to distribute its products. With the advent of mobile apps, Domino’s has now digitalized their system for the ease of ordering. Online ordering is also a method that Domino’s used to distribute its products to the customers. Domino’s utilizes 30minutes or less delivery or it’s free basis. Pizza Hut uses three different methods of places its products directly to the market. The first method of distribution used by Pizza Hut is by delivery. Customers can call Pizza Hut and place order, and then the order will be delivered to the customer’s home. Secondly, customers can choose to dine-in in restaurant over delivery. Lastly, Pizza Hut does receive orders from the internet from customers who would like to order a delivery. Similarly, Papa John’s is using delivery to distribute their products to their customers. Other than that, they also using d ine-in as a way to give-out their products unlike Domino’s.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Write a Petition Letter for University Essays

How to Write a Petition Letter for University Essays How to Write a Petition Letter for University Paper How to Write a Petition Letter for University Paper There are different sorts of petitions that are usually written by people in order to influence decisions, change something or get something. Let us see the different forms of university petition letters. Petition for Exemption Writing petition letter for university is a very common thing. It is because there will come many instances when students have to apply for exemptions but in order to get these exemptions students first have to write a petition to the concerned person or the department. It is also important to note that it is not always necessary that your petition would acquire the approval. However, it will at least help you to make the authorities aware of you and your concerned problem. Prior to writing the petition to the university, it is integral to first find out the name of the department and the person in charge there. Remember that if you don’t mention the name of the person to whom the letter is addressed to, the department may avert their eyes from it. Petition for Admission Petition letters are also used when an applicant wants to take admission in a particular university. The applicants have to submit the petition along with other necessary documentation and express their reasons why they want to go for this particular program. The minimum grade to apply for admission in any academia is at least 3 GPA. However, students can still get the admission in their desired university if they tell the reason in their petition letter that why they should be taken in by the university. Petition for Financial Aid You would also have to write a petition if you need financial aid in order to continue your university study because your financial package is not sufficient. Here you have to write a persuasive petition letter to the financial aid department of that university in an effort to get sufficient aid to complete your program. You can also submit a petition again if the department has canceled the aid due to your poor grades. When writing a petition letter for acquiring financial aid it is important that you must address the justifying circumstances specifically. Briefly explain them the change in your income and expenses which are making it difficult for you to continue the studies. However if it is a petition for defending your financial aid, it is necessary to tell them If there has been an incident in your family or you were very ill during the examination. In such cases, it is also important that you must attach a pertinent document like a certificate from your physician in order to support your statement. Petition for Grades Oftentimes it is observed that mistakes are made by the teachers or professors while assessing the grades of the students. When pupils feel that they have not been given the grades they actually deserved they can file a petition for grades. Although every academia has its own method of filing a petition but the main format of writing one is the same in every college/university.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Reasons to Learn French

Reasons to Learn French There are all kinds of reasons to learn a foreign language in general and French in particular. Lets start with the general. Why Learn a Foreign Language? Communication An obvious reason to learn a new language is to be able to communicate with the people who speak it. This includes both the people you meet when traveling as well as people in your community. Your trip to another country will be greatly enhanced in both ease of communication and friendliness if you speak the language. Speaking anothers language shows respect for that culture, and people in every country prefer it when tourists make an effort to speak the local language, even if all you can say in it is hello and please. Also, learning another language can also help you to communicate with local immigrant populations at home. Cultural Understanding Speaking a new language helps you to get to know other people and their culture, as language and culture go hand in hand. Because language simultaneously defines and is defined by the world around us, learning another language opens ones mind to new ideas and new ways of looking at the world. For example, the fact that many languages have more than one translation of you indicates that these languages (and the cultures that speak them) place a greater emphasis on distinguishing between audiences than does English. French distinguishes between tu (familiar) and vous (formal/plural), while Spanish has five words that indicate one of four categories: familiar/singular (tà º or vos, depending on the country), familiar/plural (vosotros), formal/singular (Ud) and formal/plural (Uds). Meanwhile, Arabic distinguishes between nta (masculine singular), nti (feminine singular), and ntuma (plural). In contrast, English uses you for masculine, feminine, familiar, formal, singular, and plural. The fact that these languages have such different ways of looking at you indicates cultural differences between the people who speak them: French and Spanish focus on familiarity vs. formality, while Arabic emphasizes gender. This is just one example of many of the linguistic and cultural differences between languages. Also, when you speak another language, you can enjoy literature, film, and music in the original language. It is extremely difficult for a translation to be a perfect replica of the original; the best way to understand what the author meant is to read what the author wrote. Business and Careers Speaking more than one language is a skill which will increase your marketability. Schools and employers tend to prefer candidates who speak one or more foreign languages. Even though English is widely spoken in much of the world, the fact is that the global economy depends on communication. When dealing with France, for example, someone who speaks French will have an obvious advantage over someone who doesnt. Language Enhancement Learning another language can help you to understand your own. Many languages have contributed to the development of English, so learning those will teach you where words and even grammatical structures are from, and augment your vocabulary to boot. Also, in learning how another language differs from your own, you will increase your understanding of your language. For many people, language is innate- we know how to say something, but we dont necessarily know why we say it that way. Learning another language can change that.Each subsequent language you study will be, in some respects, a little easier, because youve already learned how to learn another language. Plus, if the languages are related, such as French and Spanish, German and Dutch, or Arabic and Hebrew, some of what youve already learned will apply to the new language as well, making the new language that much easier. Test Scores As years of foreign language study increase, math and verbal SAT scores increase. Children who study a foreign language often have higher standardized test scores in math, reading, and language arts. Foreign language study can help to increase problem-solving skills, memory, and self-discipline. Why Learn French? If you are a native English speaker, one of the best reasons to learn French is to help you understand your language. Although English is a Germanic language, French has had an enormous impact on it. French is the largest donor of foreign words in English. Unless your English vocabulary is much higher than average,  learning French  will greatly increase the number of English words you know. French is spoken as a native language in more than two dozen countries on five continents. Depending on your sources, French is either the 11th or the 13th most common native language in the world, with 72 to 79 million native speakers and another 190 million secondary speakers. French is the second most commonly taught second language in the world (after English), making it a real possibility that speaking French will come in handy practically anywhere you travel. French in Business In 2003, the United States was Frances leading investor, accounting for 25% of the new jobs created in France from foreign investment. There are 2,400 US companies in France generating 240,000 jobs. American companies with offices in France include IBM, Microsoft, Mattel, Dow Chemical, SaraLee, Ford, Coca-Cola, ATT, Motorola, Johnson  Ã‚  Johnson, Ford, and  Hewlett Packard. France is the second leading investor in the United States: more than 3,000 French companies have subsidiaries in the US and generate some 700,000 jobs, including Mack Trucks, Zenith, RCA-Thomson, Bic, and Dannon. French in the United States French is the 3rd most frequently spoken  non-English  language in US homes and the second most commonly taught foreign language in the United States (after Spanish). French in the World French is an official working language in dozens of  international organizations, including the United Nations, the International Olympic Committee, and the International Red Cross. French is the lingua franca of culture, including art, cuisine, dance, and fashion. France has won more Nobel Prizes for literature than any other country in the world and is one of the top producers of international films. French is the second most frequently used language on the internet. French is ranked as the 2nd most influential language in the world. Oh, and one other thing- Spanish is  not  easier than French! Sources Admissions Testing Program of the College Board. France in the U.S.  Franco-American Business Ties Rock Solid,  News from France  vol 04.06, May 19, 2004. Rhodes, N. C., Branaman, L. E. Foreign language instruction in the United States: A national survey of elementary and secondary schools. Center for Applied Linguistics and Delta Systems, 1999. Summer Institute for Linguistics Ethnologue Survey, 1999. United States Census, Ten Languages Most Frequently Spoken at Home Other than English and Spanish: 2000, figure 3. Weber, George. The Worlds 10 Most Influential Languages, Language Today, Vol. 2, Dec 1997.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cultural Revolution Long Sixties essays

Cultural Revolution Long Sixties essays How appropriate is the term Cultural Revolution to describe the events of the Long Sixties? Within this essay I will attempt to answer the question how appropriate is the term Cultural Revolution to describe the events of the Long Sixties? The main points within the essay will include examples from religion, history and history of science. It will also attempt to answer other questions such as how Marwick and Hobsbawm came to their conclusion on periodisation for the sixties? Was the sixties strictly contained within a single decade, did it start from 1945 until 1973 or from 1958 to 1973? Hobsbawm and Marwick will have studied primary and secondary sources, such as books, film archives academic papers etc to confirm their theories namely Hobsbawms that the Sixties were part of his Golden Age and Marwicks that a cultural revolution in the sixties did occur. The degree to which they will have been subjective would have to have been absolute to prove that a huge cultural shift took place. The history of the period is easier to investigate and study due to the great techno logical advancements made in the global comms industry; for example the sixties provided a far reaching percentage of the population with access to devices such as television and radio these could at the time and still today are used to provide immediate primary sources. These sources can help the historian significantly as he can watch an historical event unfolding on the actual date and save huge amounts of time with research. This of course assumes that the creators of these tele visual sources have had no hidden agenda or are not swayed toward any particular policies, religious beliefs, the source is not for propaganda purposes and is not exaggerated to such an extent that it turns out to be fiction rather than fact. Advancements arising from the enlightenment period gave us the basis to...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Authority Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Authority - Article Example Importantly, Fromm does not have one line of thought and he is both a psychoanalyst and philosopher, and a historian and sociologist at the same time. In effect, his work cuts across these important disciplines; this makes it more balanced and informational than the work of other writers who focused on a specific discipline. Summary Written during the cold war era, and especially during the Cuban missile crisis, this essay focuses on the beguiling comfort that obedience of any form produces on human beings. In this regard, the essay posits that obedience does not contribute to sweeping changes that disobedience can provide. The essay starts with a historical cliche that has been the rallying call for obedience all through humanity. Fromm identifies the phrase â€Å"obedience is a virtue, disobedience is a vice† as a phrase that people have used overtime to assert the importance of people following authority, which the essay highlights as obedience in an irrational form. Howeve r, Fromm introduces a departure from this common viewpoint by introducing a divergent view that highlights the importance of disobedience among human beings. This article postulates that all the great achievements and strides that human beings have made are a result of disobedience. Hence, the article suggests that â€Å"human history started with an act of disobedience, and it is not unlikely that it will be terminated by an act of obedience† (Fromm 683). ... Consequently, this ushered in the importance of disobedience since it contributed to the advancement of human history. On the other hand, Prometheus stole from the gods in an act of disobedience and consequently laid the foundation for civilization according to Greek mythology. (Fromm 684). These Greek and Hebrew myths set the pace for humanity’s evolution with the two instructively being acts of disobedience. Fromm further highlights other cases that indicate man’s evolution based on disobedience, and suggests that disobedience might destroy civilization in the future. In this case disobedience has resulted to revolutions that have established institutions that govern people. Furthermore, from does not negate obedience as a vice in its entirety. He suggests the importance of ensuring that an individual strikes a balance between obeying some principles and disobeying others in order to subscribe to a cause. This way, Fromm indicates that an individual does not become a rebel with a cause or a slave by obeying the powers that be that purport obedience as a way of achieving success and power. Analysis Based on Fromm’s work, it is evident that human beings’ achievement in terms of civilization would appear implausible without disobedience. In line with this, all the strides that are evident today are due to the great men and women who have made history by disobeying and behaving outside the expected norms in order to achieve their objectives. For example, the freedoms that people experience today are a result of various people going against the grain to agitate for freedom and autonomy from the powers that be, which are for the maintenance of the status quo with courageous people advocating for

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Level of Service Inventory-Revised in Corrections Research Paper

The Level of Service Inventory-Revised in Corrections - Research Paper Example Using this tool, the government and other officials reduce cases of recidivism of certain offences in the society. In addition, through this tool various corrective institutions devise appropriate corrective measures and treatment practices for their inmates. LSI-R is a validated and recognized risk assessment tool that is highly efficient in identifying problem areas in various offenders’ lives. As a result, this tool helps reduce offender’s risk of recidivism. This quantitative survey tool offers offenders’ attributes and problems that are efficient in making vital decisions about relevant supervision and treatment method to be adopted. Furthermore, this instrument is useful in the allocation of various resources that are valid in solving the identified problems. Moreover, The Level of Service Inventory-Revised is a 54-item instrument, which is crucial and useful in assessing offenders across a range of 10 domains (Holsinger, Lowenkamp and Latessa 331). These areas are known to be closely related. This tool involves corrective measure such as prisons rehabilitative intervention that is useful in reducing the probability of offender ever engaging in crime. This practice is not complete without trained assessors. The se assessors examine offenders through interviews and validate the information and data collected through relevant external sources. The overall score from the structured interview and research is then used actuarially to associate the likelihood of reoccurrence of a behavior (Flores et al. 534). The last domain score is the most important since it is used to identify the most promising corrective measure for offenders to reduce and totally eliminate any chances of reoccurrence of a behavior. Due to its efficiency in assessing and predicting the probability of future reoccurrence of behavior, this tool is useful in

Critical Analysis of the article provided Essay

Critical Analysis of the article provided - Essay Example These two approaches are the most applicable to the situation prevailing in the healthcare industry, as revealed by the author. The first ethical issue that is obvious in the article is the practice by pharmaceutical firms to entice doctors, with lavish fees and expense, into promoting their own drug as against the other drugs present for the same medical condition. This is achieved through the screen of "medical education." However, this education provided by paid doctors is entirely one sided and favors one company's drug, in comparison with other drugs used for the same medical condition. This practice may lead to the promotion and use of harmful drugs, as has happened several times in the past. The companies get the credibility of the doctors, who they pay for promotion, to promote even under-researched drugs which are known to cause harm to the users. Another ethical concern is that concerning the doctors, who agree to become drug representatives by forgetting the moral responsibility that comes with the medical profession, and suppressing their critical faculties in exchange for monetary compensation. The author was himself one of the doctors who became a drug representative for a particular drug - at first with a clear conscience and in the belief that he is helping to educate other doctors in the benefits of the drug in question, then with a guilty conscience, in withholding some negative information that he came across about the drug he promoted. The author says that the monetary and other benefits provided by the pharmaceutical firms are so large that it clouds the critical faculties of the doctors involved and makes them commit immoral behavior. Another concern brought forth is the unethical marketing strategy used by the pharmaceutical firms in order to make the most profits, even from under-researched or harmful drugs, before the harmful effects of the drugs become full public knowledge leading to a ban on such drugs. The profit motive leads them to commit further unethical acts by recruiting doctors to promote unscrupulous drugs by attracting them with large amounts of money and other benefits. They involve other institutions in this unethical behavior, such as the pharmacies, the American Medical Association, medical research firms and others. There are two basic approaches applicable in this situation. These approaches are used in analyzing the above concerns as below. Utilitarian Approach The Utilitarian theory of ethics is also a consequential or teleological theory. It believes in the "happiness principle" of ethics. "Utility" or "Greatest Happiness Principle" is the foundation of morality according to this theory. Actions are right in proportion to the happiness they promote and wrong in proportion to the pain they produce. So, any action that "promotes the greatest good to the greatest number" is morally and ethically correct according to this theory. There are two types of utilitarianism: Act utilitarianism and Rule utilitarianism. Act utilitarianism postulates that any action that promotes pleasure and an action that leads to the greatest pleasure or good to the greatest number of people, even if produces pain in a few, is basically morally correct. In this sense, the action of the author and other doctors, and the firms which are employing this particular marketing strategy for untested drugs are actually promoting the greatest good

Current Event Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Current Event Paper - Assignment Example Contemporary events in the contemporary world relating to project management include the emergence of mergers and social corporate responsibility. Amalgamation is a conglomerate business take-over activity, which involves a lot of skills, tools, techniques and knowledge in order to meet a business’ set objectives (Project M.I, 2013). In the modern business world, take-over business operations revolve around the triple constraint project management plans for its success. Lastly, the social corporate responsibility is also an emerging contemporary issue where all the business project management operations must be ethically correct. The emergence of mergers and corporate social responsibility relates to project management concept due to these issues’ levels of technicality. Project management is a technical issue in the decision-making parameter hence without sufficient knowledge, tools and techniques project management’s goal plans are unachievable. Both the amalgamation and social corporate responsibilities, on the other hand, are inclined towards project planning life cycle (Project M.I, 2013). This makes the three concepts interrelated in business

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Kinship System of Yanomamo Culture Research Paper

Kinship System of Yanomamo Culture - Research Paper Example In the Yanomamo community, their males are considered to be more valuable than their female counterparts (Rosman, Rubel & Weisgrau, 2009). The leadership positions in their community determine their village’s relations with neighboring villages due to the existing kingship along with marriage patterns. The leaders within the community are chosen from the kinship groups with most members in the village (Early & Peters, 2000). Within the Yanomamo society, marriages are usually arranged by the older kin within them who include brothers, fathers and uncles (Rosman, Rubel & Weisgrau, 2009). In these communities, there exists a social imbalance with women being less than men which is worsened by the fact that some of the men are polygamous. These people additionally practice marriage within related groups of people which have in turn helped in speeding their population’s growth (Early & Peters, 2000). The women in these villages undergo abductions along with incest taboos tha t play a great part in decreasing the effects that come from inbreeding. When bilateral marriages between cousins are allowed double relations are created since their parents may have gone through similar marriages (Rosman, Rubel & Weisgrau, 2009). The resultant internal conflicts that arise tend to bring about village fissioning among them. The villages that are not related through marriage are urged to make peace by engaging in trading activities which help them in abstaining from war. Gifts are also offered between the leaders in the warring villages to help in preventing the occurrence of conflicts (Chagnon, 2012). The Yanomamo people usually have role prescriptions within their communities which are mainly keyed into people who hold certain... This research paper focuses mostly on Kinship, that is a vital system among the Yanomamo people. Their culture has mainly remained unchanged due to their ferociousness along with strong wills. Their kinship system conforms to a pattern referred to as the Iroquois classification which insists on them having bilateral cross marriages between cousins. The people from the Yanomamo community usually organize their relationships in the order of closeness. They are organized from the local partilineal moieties, village settlements, feasting alliances, marriage alliances and trading alliances to their enemies. In localized moieties there are rarely partrilineage groups that have members who exceed two grown-up generations with members coming from the same villages. In the Yanomamo community, their males are considered to be more valuable than their female counterparts. The leadership positions in their community determine their village’s relations with neighboring villages due to the existing kingship along with marriage patterns. The Yanomamo people usually have role prescriptions within their communities which are mainly keyed into people who hold certain statuses. The individuals living within this community are supposed to know who they really are in order for them to handle their prescribed roles appropriately. The researcher states that individuals with superior statuses within the Yanomamo community are given extra roles for them to perform since they are pivotal for the operations of the society.

Comparison of Marx and Weber on theory of Inequality Essay

Comparison of Marx and Weber on theory of Inequality - Essay Example The contemporary debate on the theories of social inequality considers Marx’s and Weber’s view, with the aim of conceptualizing class analysis. Wright (2001) emphasized the centrality of class within the Marxist tradition. Marx stated that class struggle is the motor of history, and supported an exploitation-centered concept of class. Three Marxist theses are essential in order to understand his perspective on social inequality: (1) the radical egalitarianism thesis, according to which a radically egalitarian distribution of the material conditions of life would enhance human flourishing; (2) historical possibility thesis, suggesting the feasibility of organizing society for a radically egalitarian distribution of the material conditions of life, and (3) the anti-capitalism thesis. Marx considered capitalism as the enemy of social equality, since capitalism blocks the possibility of the radical egalitarianism. Breen (2001) outlined Weber’s view on social class, presented in Economy and Society. According to Weber, members of a class share common life chances, i.e. the chances that individuals have of procuring goods. Weber stated that the market distributes life chances in accordance with the various resources that individuals bring to it. â€Å"There is no assumption in Weber that class will be the major source of conflict within capitalist society or that classes will necessarily serve as a source of collective action. Rather, the focus is on the market as the source of inequalities in life chances† (Breen 2001: 42). For Weber, classes are of interest insofar as they shape life chances. Weber identified four classes under capitalism: the â€Å"dominant entrepreneurial and propertied groups; the petty bourgeoisie; workers with formal credentials (the middle class) and those who lack them and whose only asset is their labor power (the working class)† (Breen 2001: 42). I believe that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Current Event Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Current Event Paper - Assignment Example Contemporary events in the contemporary world relating to project management include the emergence of mergers and social corporate responsibility. Amalgamation is a conglomerate business take-over activity, which involves a lot of skills, tools, techniques and knowledge in order to meet a business’ set objectives (Project M.I, 2013). In the modern business world, take-over business operations revolve around the triple constraint project management plans for its success. Lastly, the social corporate responsibility is also an emerging contemporary issue where all the business project management operations must be ethically correct. The emergence of mergers and corporate social responsibility relates to project management concept due to these issues’ levels of technicality. Project management is a technical issue in the decision-making parameter hence without sufficient knowledge, tools and techniques project management’s goal plans are unachievable. Both the amalgamation and social corporate responsibilities, on the other hand, are inclined towards project planning life cycle (Project M.I, 2013). This makes the three concepts interrelated in business

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Comparison of Marx and Weber on theory of Inequality Essay

Comparison of Marx and Weber on theory of Inequality - Essay Example The contemporary debate on the theories of social inequality considers Marx’s and Weber’s view, with the aim of conceptualizing class analysis. Wright (2001) emphasized the centrality of class within the Marxist tradition. Marx stated that class struggle is the motor of history, and supported an exploitation-centered concept of class. Three Marxist theses are essential in order to understand his perspective on social inequality: (1) the radical egalitarianism thesis, according to which a radically egalitarian distribution of the material conditions of life would enhance human flourishing; (2) historical possibility thesis, suggesting the feasibility of organizing society for a radically egalitarian distribution of the material conditions of life, and (3) the anti-capitalism thesis. Marx considered capitalism as the enemy of social equality, since capitalism blocks the possibility of the radical egalitarianism. Breen (2001) outlined Weber’s view on social class, presented in Economy and Society. According to Weber, members of a class share common life chances, i.e. the chances that individuals have of procuring goods. Weber stated that the market distributes life chances in accordance with the various resources that individuals bring to it. â€Å"There is no assumption in Weber that class will be the major source of conflict within capitalist society or that classes will necessarily serve as a source of collective action. Rather, the focus is on the market as the source of inequalities in life chances† (Breen 2001: 42). For Weber, classes are of interest insofar as they shape life chances. Weber identified four classes under capitalism: the â€Å"dominant entrepreneurial and propertied groups; the petty bourgeoisie; workers with formal credentials (the middle class) and those who lack them and whose only asset is their labor power (the working class)† (Breen 2001: 42). I believe that

Bacteria Shape and Size Essay Example for Free

Bacteria Shape and Size Essay Questions: A.What are the advantages of using bleach as a disinfectant? The disadvantages? The advantages of using 70% alcohol? The disadvantages? The advantages of using bleach as a disinfectant is strong and effective disinfectant. Its active ingredient, sodium hypochlorite, denatures protein in micro-organisms and is therefore effective in killing bacteria, fungus, and viruses. Household bleach works quickly and is widely available at a low cost. The disadvantage is could irritates mucous membranes, the skin, and the airway. It also decomposes under heat or light and reacts readily with other chemicals. Bleach solutions begin to lose its effectiveness after 2 hours. You will need to make a fresh solution for each experiment. The advantage of the 70% alcohol mixtures is capable of killing most bacteria within 5 minutes of exposure. It is a 70% isopropyl alcohol solution suitable for use as a disinfectant and is safe for contact with the skin. Alcohol mixed with water is an effective disinfectant. The water is the mix prevents the cell from dehydrating and allows the alcohol component to disrupt the cell membrane and enter the cell resulting in the denaturing of cellular proteins. It is a 70% isopropyl alcohol for use as a disinfectant and is safe for contact with the skin. The primary disadvantages of using 70% as disinfectant are that is ineffective against that is flammable and should be not used around a flame source. Another consideration is that it is flammable and should be not used around a flame source. B.List three reasons why you might choose to stain a particular slide rather than view it as a wet mount. C.Define the following terms: Â ·Chromophore: Â ·Acidic Dye: Â ·Basic Dye: D.What is the difference between direct and indirect staining? E.What is heat fixing? F.Why is it necessary to ensure that your specimens are completely air dried prior to heat fixing? G.Describe what you observed in your plaque smear wet mount, direct stained slide, and indirectly stained slide. What were the similarities? What were the differences? H.Describe what you observed in your cheek smear wet mount, direct stained slide, and indirectly stained slide. What were the similarities? What were the differences? I.Describe what you observed in your yeast wet mount, direct stained slide, and indirectly stained slide. What were the similarities? What were the differences? J.Were the cell types the same in all three specimen sets: yeast, plaque, and cheek? How were they similar? How were they different?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Music In Advertising And The Media Media Essay

Music In Advertising And The Media Media Essay Music is all around us. It is a constant in our lives. Although the music that we hear changes over time it is always there. What is in today may be out tomorrow. We hear it in the car in the way to work, and once we get there it is playing in the background in the office. It is at the stores where we shop, in the elevators we ride, during the commercial breaks of our favorite television programs, at the gym where we exercise, and many more places we go. With the astronomical amount of music that surrounds us in our everyday lives is no wonder that companies use it as a median to advertise their services and products to us. Advertising is the means by which on party attempts to convince or entice another into purchasing a particular product or service. It differs from the sort of one-on-one sales pitch an individual might encounter at the point of sale in that it addresses a larger, more general audience (Huron). Advertising is instrumental to the success of businesses. If no one kno ws that the business exists or they have no idea what products or services are offered, how will they get customers? The key to business is to advertise, to make sure that a companys products or services are known to the world. People love music. Combining the two is sheer genius. Music can accomplish many things when integrated with advertisements. In advertising it is used to entertain, as a mnemonic device to trigger memory, and to target a specific demographic. When music is used in advertising for entertainment purposes it makes the advertisement more appealing to its targeted audience. A good advertisement gets and holds the attention of the audience. It is simply used for aesthetic purposes. Creating an attractive advertisement allows it to appeal more to an audience thus engaging the audiences attention. Music is also used in advertising as a technique to aid in memory. Early advertising embraced this technique. Rhyme and repetition were used to keep a brand or name of a product in mind. There are several reasons that consumers purchase certain goods or services. According to an article in The Economic Times one of the major factors in consumer purchasing is the fact that the human brain releases the chemical dopamine in response to the product. Usually sound or fragrance are the stimuli that cause this effect. The reason this happens is that the human mind is complex and Because consciously or not, we calculate purchases based on how they might bring us social status-and status is linked with reproductive success (Dobhal). There are several different options for advertisers to choose from to promote their product or service. There is print, radio, and television to name a few. The following is a brief history of advertisements from print to television: Early print advertisements appeared in the newspaper and as posters with pictures and text in popular locations. This form of advertisement is still in use today and is also successful and is found everywhere from newspapers, magazines, to popular trade journals. Billboards are another form of print advertising, they a rather large signs that are located in a conspicuous location that people will notice (Phillips). Radio advertising is one of the earliest forms of advertisement is mass media. The first speech transmission by radio was in 1915 from New York to San Francisco, five years after this historic day, the first radio program aired. A revolution had begun. With thousands of Americans tuning in to hear the radio programs, this is where advertisers hit the jackpot. Television advertisements soon followed. Since the television has such a broad reach, from the beginning it became an attractive medium for advertisers. U.S. advertising rates are determined by Nielsen ratings which are audience measurement systems that were developed by the Nielsen Research Company. The time of day and popularity of the channel are factored in to determine the advertising rates. The television become commercially available in the 1930s but did not gain popularity until the 1950s. Today 99 percent of households in the United States have at least one TV and 66 percent have three or more. The average American watches one thousand five hundred hours of TV per year (Television and Health). In the early 1980s the interest in using music to advertise dramatically increased. Following a study dubbed the attitude towards the ad which showed that consumers responded negatively towards the manipulative and pressured approach that advertisers were using. The study concluded that consumers were left with a more positive feeling towards the product music was introduced into the advertisements. The study also proved that when pairing popular music with the product consumers would associate the two and if they like the music they would like the product. (Chingning Wang)This approach has been criticized however it the lyrics are catchy and remain in your head the advertiser has effectively accomplished their task. Advertisers originally wrote their own catchy tunes to market a product. These are known as jingles. There are many jingles for products that you may still remember to this day although you havent heard them in years. One such jingle is for Oscar Mayer, and goes like thi s My bologna has a first name. Its O-S-C-A-R. My bologna has a second name. Its Mayer. Oh, I love to eat it every day and if you ask me why Ill say cause Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A. That is one jingle that most likely has been heard by nearly all Americans. Prior to the 1980s these are the kinds of music that one would here in a commercial occasionally the lyrics of a popular song would be changed to create a theme song for a particular product or service. On one occasion a theme song that was written for coca-cola called Id Like to Buy the World a Coke was re-recorded by the New Seekers as a pop song called Id Like to Teach the World to Sing (The Hilltop Ad: The Story of a Commercial). This song became a hit. The use of previously recorded pop songs was eventually integrated into commercials. In 1985 Burger King used an original song by Aretha Franklin called Freeway of Love in an advertisement to promote the fast food restaurant (TV Commercials in the United States). In 1987 Nike adopted the Revolution by The Beatles to advertise their shoes and other athletic gear as well as using as an effort to overhaul their advertising and marketing campaigns to compete with the number one shoe brand at the time which was Reebok (The Pop History Dig). An interesting but unproven theory is subliminal messages. A subliminal message is a hidden message within a commercial, music, or even a movie. These messages are meant to be unnoticed by the listener yet they are meant to provoke the listener to respond in some way. According to an article by Robert Fink in the Journal of Ancient of Ancient Music advertisers have claimed that they can make anyone buy anything by including subliminal messages within their advertisements (Fink). In 1957 James Vicary, a market researcher stirred up trouble with consumers when he announced that by embedding subliminal messages in the music of radio advertisements he could persuade consumers to purchase anything. The public feared that this was true and thought that they were being hypnotized with advertisements (Crossen). One company that probably comes to mind when you think of music and advertising is the popular soft drink Pepsi. The company, PepsiCo has a history of mixing popular music into their advertisements. Some of the many artists Pepsi featured in their advertisements include Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Akon, Bob Dylan, and many more. PepsiCo is a very successful company. Consumers are bombarded with music and advertisements throughout their typical day. Advertising is a powerful and effective tool, it is meant to inform the listener of the product or service, and then persuade them to purchase it. It is obvious to point out that the better an advertisement is the more effective it will be at persuading the customer to purchase the product. Advertisers employ many techniques some of which are peer pressure and manipulation. Advertisers target an audience and use these techniques to try to convince the listener that they will be part of the in crowd if they purchase the product. This is a highly effective form of advertisement. Advertisers target a specific demographic such as 18-24 year olds. To use music effectively in this demographic they would obviously use music that most 18-24 years olds would listen to and not something like classic rock although some people in that demographic may enjoy classic rock they are trying to reach the majority. Think about this, can you remember a particular jingle or song and automatically associate it with a product. I am sure that most everyone can. Researchers have shown that the most effective commercials advertisements are the ones that stir up emotion and create an association with the product (Vaughn). Since people are bombarded with so many advertisements every day advertisers are increasingly using unconventional techniques. One such technique involves the use of incongruent advertisements. This is where advertisers mix things up a little. They use music and other art that would normally be unexpected. This works because of something called brand schema which is when a person becomes so familiar with a product from advertisements it becomes almost invisible to them, they dont really pay much attention to it. Advertisers now are trying to mix it up and once again regain their attention to the product that they are selling. This research was conducted to determine the impact of audiovisual congruency in ads and the moderating role of product involvement on three aspects of consumer response: attention to the ad, attention to the brand, and purchase intentions. The participants were shown one of eight TV ads for 30 seconds, afterward they were asked to rate the ads on several dimens ions. The results indicated that congruent product and music type invoked favorable responses from the consumers. (Lalwani). What is it about music that makes it so important in advertisements? First and foremost, it is so much easier to remember a song or jingle than spoken words. Second, it is entertaining. Whether the listener really cares about the product or not they may create a mental association with the song and the product. Imagine this scenario, two friends are talking and one says that they are in need of a cleaning service for their home but are new to the area and have no idea who to choose. The other friend says I just heard an advertisement on the radio for a cleaning service, I dont know their name but they have that catchy song in the advertisement. The friend in search of the service replies with Oh yeah, I heard that too. Ill give them a call. The advertiser has created a successful advertisement and the music or song that they chose was to thank. This is a scenario that occurs quite frequently and advertisers count on this. As you have seen, music is everywhere it is no wonder that advertisers tapped into the music source. Music is a beneficial and constructive addition to our society. It has many purposes and definitely holds its own in advertising. The business of advertising has clearly come a long way in the United States, from only having print advertisements available to the creative and catchy television and radio advertisements. Just think, if you had to watch a commercial without music, you would just be listening to someone talk. There wouldnt be catchy lyrics to aid in your memorization of the product nor would it even be interesting. Advertisers hit big when they integrated music and advertisements. Next time you are watching television or listening to the radio pay attention to how many of the advertisements contain some form of music, whether its a pop song, a creative jingle, or just a little background music.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Prevailing Over The Rock :: essays research papers

Prevailing Over The Rock   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  About year ago, I overcame an arduous rock climb appropriately nick-named â€Å"the subway†. I had flown up to the coast of Maine to be included in an Outward Bound expedition. After a tedious week of navigating a thirty-foot pull-boat, we arrived at Hurricane Island, which is the center of operations for the U.S. sailing expeditions of Outward Bound. It was around midday when I stood at the base of the rock face with the ten members of my team and two professional climbers. At the time, the only rock climbing experience I had was derived from a few unadorned climbs on an artificial wall. Those limited experiences taught me that rock climbing can be very physically demanding, strenuous, and sometimes, dangerous. It takes a lot of physical strength, as well as keen senses to locate and utilize footholds and handholds to successfully scale a mountainside. During a basic debriefing, one of the professional climbers informed us that the difficulty level of this climb was a 5.3. Sensing that few of us comprehended the rating’s significance, they explained that this meant that the climb would be a difficult one. Despite the warning, our group, which consisted of five males, three females, two instructors, and myself were anxious to commence our ascent. Few of us understood, however, of the turbulent challenges that lay ahead.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At that point, each of us were issued a harness and a helmet and were told the proper procedures which we would have to follow. We were to scale the mountain one at a time, while two other members of our team were to remain at the base of the wall to maintain the rope. During this lecture, I asked one of the experienced climbers the significance of the name â€Å"the subway.† They told me that in order to overcome a certain overhang in the rock, it was necessary to grab a small fixation in the rock and pull oneself over it. They then continued to say that this process somewhat resembled that of reaching up and grabbing hold of the straps in a subway car, and thus, the climb had been deemed â€Å"the subway.† Though I could somewhat able to visualize what the climber talked of, I did not comprehended the difficulty that was involved. Nonetheless, I was soon to find out. When it came to my turn to climb, my preset determination drowned what little apprehension I possessed.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Gender Equality and the Law Essay -- Feminism Equality Social Issues E

Gender Equality and the Law One of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s primary goals of the Women’s Rights Project’s litigation was to prove that stereotypical treatment of gender under the law was unconstitutional. It was Ginsburg’s goal to make the Court realize that â€Å"the law’s differential treatment of men and women, rationalized as reflecting â€Å"natural† differences between the sexes, historically had tended to contribute to women’s subordination† (Ginsburg 11). Ginsburg carefully selected cases which she felt would produce the greatest results. To do this, she â€Å"pursue(d) a series of cases that illuminate(d) the most common instances of gender distinctions in the law (Ginsburg 14). In three cases, Reed v. Reed, Frontiero v. Richardson, and Craig v. Boren, Ginsburg was successful in arguing that legal distinctions on the basis of sex qualified as suspect classifications. Therefore the state must show a compelling interest in its legislation, and â€Å" must demonstrate that the means are necessarily related to the ends sought to be achieved by the statue and are the least restrictive† (Mezey 16). Today, it is debatable whether women are equal to men in the eyes of the law. However, without the Women’s Rights Project’s litigation of the nineteen seventies, women would be remain subjected to stereotypical legal treatment and thus would still be regulated to an inferior status of citizenship. The first case in which the Supreme Court invalidated a law which discriminated on the basis of sex became extremely important because it set the president to which many future opinions would refer. Reed v. Reed, 1971, Ginsburg argued that Sally Reed was denied equal protection which should have been protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, when her husband wa... ...udes by stating in it’s opinion for Goesart v. Cleary 1948, that â€Å"Michigan could, beyond question, forbid all women from working behind a bar† (Goldstein 102 ). However, in 1976 the Supreme Court â€Å"refused to approve laws which were based on archaic and overbroad generalizations or on old notions of role typing† (Mezey 19). Clearly, great strides have been taken towards anti stereotypical legislation, in roughly a quarter of a century. Legal equality for women is in large part due to the Women’s Rights Project’s litigation of the nineteen seventies and the legal genius of Ruth Bader Ginsburg who made the Court scrutinize sex Discrimination cases much more closely. The result is that the Supreme Court must â€Å"test policies and practices by asking whether they integrally contribute to the maintenance of an underclass or a deprived position because of gender† (Ginsburg 20).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Landslide Limousine Performance management plan Essay

Stonefield is starting up a new limousine business with 25 employee, located in Austin, Texas. The performance management plan is the starting point or a map for the company to identify and achieve the desire outcome they want for their employees and their customer. The company wants to maximize its goal through its performance management plan. the performance framework alone with the strategies of the business will developed an organizational performance philosophy, performed job analyses to identify necessary skills needed by employees, identified methods for measuring employee’s skills, developed a process for addressing skill gaps, and developed an approach for delivering effective performance feedback to employees. Performance management plan should always be use as a tool for a business to run smooth. The performance management framework with the strategies of the business According to Cascio (2013), at a general level, the broad process of performance management require s that you do three things well: define performance, facilitate performance, and encourage performance. The managers at Landslide must ensure that each and every employee know what is expected of them. They must have goals that are sustainable. The goals that are set must â€Å"make the company successful† (Cascio 2013). Managers must facilitate performance by eliminating roadblocks. They must provide all the right resources, tools and training. With that being said they must also hire the right employees in other words hire the right fit. You can’t have an employee with a bad driving record driving for a limo service, so you have do a background check just one example. Every employee like the last one, encourage performance, managers should always encourage employees in some kind of way, show them how they are appreciated. According to Cascio (2013), don’t bother offering rewards that nobody cares about, like a gift certificate to see a fortune teller. If  you are good to your employees they will be good to you. Show them you care. Organizational performance philosophy The philosophy of Landslide Limousine will be to utilize the max efficiency and the effectiveness of each employee’s performance; and furthermore to facilitate communication between the employees and their supervisors, according to University of California, Berkeley (2014), employees at all levels are responsible for actively communicating with their supervisors about their performance, taking an active role in planning their development, being accountable for their actions, and continually striving for excellence in their performance. Supervisors are responsible for training and making sure that the employees have the right tools to carry out the mission or job. They have to make sure the job is done right. They have to make sure the customer are taking care of. The job analysis process to identify necessary skills needed by employees According to Cascio (2013), Performance standards translate job requirements into levels of acceptable or unacceptable employee behavior. Job analysis identifies what is to be done. Job analysis information can be gathered in a variety of ways, Landslide Limousine will be using all combinations of method. The observation is one method which is limited to only so many jobs. The interview method is gathering information which requires an interview with every employee. This should be easy to do since he is starting off with only 25 employees. The interview method should focus on how the employees is performing each job. The major duties of the position. Are there is job’s physical demands. This method can be time very consuming but it will help Landslide Limousine identify necessary skills needed by employees. The last method is the Questionnaires. This method is widely used it tells management where training is needed, what is going right, what is wrong and what need improving. It can be a very detail long and complicated process. Methods used for measuring the employee’s skills I would recommend Landslide use the Behavior-oriented rating methods and results-oriented rating method for measuring the employee’s skills. Managers should conduct ride-a-long with each driver to observe their behavior and to rate their skills against others. The manager should document the  observation. Mangers should always provide feedback in a timely manner. It should be taken to improve employee performance. According to Cascio (2013), behavior-oriented rating methods focus on employee behaviors, either by comparing the performance of employees to that of other employees or by evaluating each employee in terms of performance standards without reference to others. The results-oriented rating method is another great method to use. The company needs to have a way to do customer survey. Customer service is one of the most important skills that should be measured constantly. According to Cascio (2013), results-oriented rating methods place primary emphasis on what an employee produces; dollar volume of sales, number of units produced, and number of wins during a baseball season are examples. In other word a limo driver will be rated on how well his/her skills are with customer service. They are being rating and measured at all times. Process for addressing skill gaps When addressing skill gaps it should be communicated on a daily basic but in a more formal way during the Performance evaluation. It should identify the areas that need improvement, a performance improvement plan (PIP) can be put in place. This is the opportunity for an employee that do not have all the skill to succeed to receive the appropriate training that he/she did or didn’t have. When addressing area for improvement communication is the key between managers and employees. Approach for delivering effective performance feedback According to Cascio (2013), before giving feedback, getting training in performance appraisal interviewing, planning to use a problem-solving approach rather than â€Å"tell -and-sell,† and encouraging subordinates to prepare for performance-feedback interviews, is important. Also, while giving feedback, each manager should be encouraging subordinates to participate by being specific, being an active listener, setting mutually agreeable goals for future improvements, avoiding destructive criticism, and judging performance and not personality and mannerisms. Lastly, after the feedback is communicated, each manager should periodically assess progress toward goals and make organizational rewards contingent on performance. If Landslide Limousine needs to make sure they that provide these before,  during, and after feedback activities, these activities can help better the performance of each and every person that Landslide employ. Conclusion Having a good Performance plan before starting business is always a great beginning. You need a stepping stone to hire the right employee and to put the right people in the place. Providing them with the right tools make for a successfully business and satisfied customer. References Cascio, W. F. (2013). Managing Human Resources (9th Ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc. University of Berkley. (2014). Berkley HR. Retrieved from What is Human Resource? (2015). Retrieved from